History. Sikhism was founded in norther India by Guru Nanak. Guru Nanak believed that the Hindu and Islamic faiths prevailing in India at the time concealed the truth about God. Sikhism stresses an individual's relationship with God.
Beliefs and Practices. Sikhs believe in one God and are a minority in primarily Hindu India. A Sikh follows the Ten Gurus from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh, who revealed truths about God. Sikhs pursue unity with God through worship and service to the community.
You can learn about the Sikh Temple, Gurdwara, and its protocols at:
You can learn about the Khalsa and code of conduct at:
You can learn about the Reht Maryada, the Official Sikh Code of Conduct:
Calendar and Holidays. Until the 13th of March, 1998, the Sikhs used a Hindu lunar calendar to determine their feast days. They now use their own Nanakshahi calendar which started on 14 March 1999 Gregorian (1 Chet 531 Nanakshahi ) and aligns with the Gregorian calendar, although it does not completely follow it.
For a complete description of the Sikh calendar:
http://www.sikhs.org/dates.htm and holidays:
Other web sites concerning Sikhism include: