It is the responsibility of Company to ensure an employee's right to a work environment free of all forms of discriminatory harassment. Harassment of employees on the basis of their sex, race, color of skin, age, disability, national origin, religion, or creed is a violation of both state and federal civil rights laws.
Therefore, the Company hereby affirms its interest to maintain a work environment free of discriminatory harassment.
Sexual harrassment
Sexual harassment is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. It is defined as: "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature."
Sexual harassment is illegal when submission to, or rejection of, such conduct is used as a term or condition of employment, or is used as a basis for employment decisions. Conduct which has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an employee's work performance in creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment is also illegal.
Examples of sexual harassment include: - 1. Requesting or offering sexual favors in return for job benefits;
2. Repeated acts of cornering, patting, pinching, or brushing up against a person's body that is sexual in nature;
3. Open speculation or repeated inquiries about a persons' sex life.
4. Jokes, remarks, or innuendoes that are sexual in nature about a person or women and men in general; or
5. Displaying of sexually explicit material in the workplace.
Examples of discriminatory harrassment include:
The following are examples of discriminatory harassment when the conduct regards certain classes of employees on the basis of their race, color, age, sex, disability, national origin, religion or creed:
- 1. Abusing the dignity of an employee through insulting or degrading remarks or conduct;
2. Threats, demands or suggestions that an employee's work status is contingent upon the employee's toleration of such behavior;
3. Subjecting an employee to demeaning and/or degrading activities in order to gain co-worker acceptance, e.g., hazing; or
4. Disciplining or terminating an employee because of worker incompatibility which is caused by prohibited discrimination, e.g., prejudiced or biased behavior.
If you feel you have been harassed, it should be reported to your immediate supervisor, the human resources director or other designated management person. The individuals you should report to are:_____________________________ and their telephone numbers are:____________________________________________.
The Company assures all employees that complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible, and that no employee will be retaliated against for filing a complaint.
It is management's responsibility to make a reasonable effort to prevent all forms of discriminatory harassment from occurring and to take immediate and appropriate corrective action when harassment is brought to their attention.
The Company affirms the right, in accord with this policy to discipline any administrator, supervisor, or employee who engages in harassment, and to discipline any administrator or supervisor who fails to act on employee complaints or on personal observations of harassment.