Federal Law > Handbooks - Policies > On-the-job Injury and Illness Policy

On-the-job Injury and Illness Policy

Employees injured on the job shall notify their supervisor immediately. If the severity of the injury/illness makes this impossible, the supervisor shall be notified immediately following initial treatment. The supervisor shall then complete a supervisor's accident/injury report form and return it to __________ within 48 hours of the occurrence.

If the severity of the injury/illness dictates transportation to an emergency room, the employee shall be transported to ____________, unless this is not possible. Any employee needing to see a doctor as a result of an on-the-job injury/illness must be directed to a doctor and the appointment must be made by __________, or a supervisor if these people are unavailable. Any employee who is injured on the job away from the Employer's property shall seek treatment at the nearest appropriate medical facility and report as soon as possible to his/her supervisor.

All patient status reports, work restrictions, physical therapy reports, etc., must be returned to the contact person immediately after an appointment and your supervisor is to be informed of any change in duty status or work restrictions. All recheck and physical therapy appointments must be kept until the employee is discharged from care.
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