Employee: ________________________
RATE EACH CATEGORY SEPARATELY -- Include supporting comment and/or demonstrated example to support rating given.
(OS=Outstanding; ES=Exceeds Standards;
MS=Meets Standards; BS=Below Standards; US=Unsatisfactory)
JOB KNOWLEDGE & COMPREHENSION: Understands and is knowledgeable of the duties, methods and procedures required by the job.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
WORK QUALITY: Completes work assignments thoroughly and completely in an accurate, prompt, neat manner, including standards for verbal/written communications, if applicable.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
PRODUCTIVITY: Produces reqyuired volume of work. Maintains attention to work and meets deadlines.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
ACCURACY: Identifies and corrects errors. Is careful, alert and accurate, paying attention to details of the job.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
WORK HABITS: Demonstrates commitment, dedication, cooperation, positive behavior, adaptability and flexibility with changes in jobs and duties. Considers safety of self and others while working. Takes accountability for job responsibilities.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
INITIATIVE/PROBLEM SOLVING/DECISION MAKING: Performs with minimal supervision, acts promptly, seeks solutions to resolve unexpected problems that arise on the job, makes practical, routine decisions.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: Demonstrates ability to get along with others, is respectful of co-workers, communicates and acts as a team player, promotes teamwork. Responds and acts appropriately to confrontational situations.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY: Dependable, arrives at work on time, reports on all scheduled days, adheres to break and meal schedules.
Performance Level: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
Total Overall Performance Rating: OS ES MS BS US (Circle One)
Additional Comments/Overall Summary of Performance:
Significant Strengths/Accomplishments/Contributions:
Opportunities for Improvement/Recommendations/Expectations
Employee Comments
This evaluation has been discussed with me. I understand that a copy may be obtained from the Personnel Office. I further understand that my signature does not necessarily mean that I agree with this evaluation.
Signature of Employee_________________________________________ Date: ______________
Signature of Reviewer(s)_________________________________________ Date: ______________
Signature of Reviewer(s)_________________________________________ Date: ______________