State Law > Virginia > Virginia Drug Testing Law

Virginia Drug Testing Law


Although Virginia does not have a general law regarding drug testing for employees, it does have provisions for school bus drivers, provisions for worker's compensation discounts for employers with drug-free workplace programs, provisions concerning the attempt to defeat drug tests, and provisions concerning public contracts in the Code of Virginia, in the sections below.

22.1-178. Requirements for persons employed to drive school buses.

C. School boards may require persons accepting employment after July 1, 1994, as a driver of a school bus transporting pupils to agree, as a condition of employment, to submit to alcohol and controlled substance testing. Any such tests shall be conducted in compliance with Board of Education regulations.

65.2-813.2. Premium discounts; drug-free workplace programs.

Every insurer providing coverage pursuant to this title shall provide a premium discount of up to five percent to every employer instituting and maintaining a drug-free workplace program satisfying such criteria as each insurer may establish.

18.2-251.4. Defeating drug and alcohol screening tests; penalty.

A. It is unlawful for a person to:

1. Sell, give away, distribute, transport or market human urine in the Commonwealth with the intent of using the urine to defeat a drug or alcohol screening test;

2. Attempt to defeat a drug or alcohol screening test by the substitution of a sample;

3. Adulterate a urine or other bodily fluid sample with the intent to defraud a drug or alcohol screening test.

B. A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.

2.2-4312. Public contracts over $10,000; Contractor to maintain a drug-free workplace. All public bodies shall include in every contract over $10,000 the following provisions:

During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.

For the purposes of this section, "drug-free workplace" means a site for the performance of work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor in accordance with this chapter, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of the contract.

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