Washington D.C. Passes Restriction on Employers Credit Check Inquiries

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The D.C. Fair Credit in Employment Amendment Act of 2016 amends the D.C. Human Rights Act to prohibit employers from discriminating against job applicants and current employees based on their credit information. The Act was effective April 7, 2017.

The Act prohibits D.C. employers from directly or indirectly requesting any employee or applicant to submit credit information, or using or inquiring into an employee’s or applicant’s credit information.  The Act extends beyond the hiring process and covers the use of credit information with respect to existing employees.  Employers should read the Act carefully to understand its implications.

California, Illinois and Maryland have similar laws that apply during the hiring process.  Other localities have also enacted similar laws that limit the use of credit information during the hiring process.
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