Disability Bias Suit Settled for Up To $800,000; Training Required

Friday, July 14, 2017
Sensient Natural Ingredients LLC, a division of Sensient Technologies, has agreed to pay up to $800,000 ($600,000 to go to identified claimants and $200,000 for a potential group of unidentified claimants) and provide other significant relief to settle a charge of disability discrimination, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced.

According to the EEOC's lawsuit, several of Sensient's workers at its Livingston, Calif., location took extended leaves of absence for disability-related care, including surgeries and cancer treatments. The EEOC charged that employees were either discharged for surpassing the company's restrictive leave policy or were required to return to work without accommodations or restrictions. The EEOC contends that when employees attempted to return to work even without restrictions, Sensient refused to accept them back and fired them instead.

As part of the consent decree settling the suit, Sensient will pay $600,000 to a class of eight claimants and $200,000 for a contingent class fund that will be distributed if other claimants come forward. In addition to the monetary relief, Sensient also agreed to the designation of an internal equal employment opportunity monitor to review and revise, as necessary, the company's policies against disability discrimination, retaliation, and its reasonable accommodation policies which include obtaining internal and external legal review of a denial of accommodation. Sensient further agreed to distribute the revised policies to all employees, provide training for both employees and management personnel, and designate an internal ADA coordinator who will assist the company in maintaining records. The EEOC will monitor Sensient's compliance with this three-year decree.
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