$149,000 Settlement in Overtime and Minimum Wage Case

Monday, July 17, 2017
The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigators found that Willows Inn violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by failing to pay overtime and minimum wage to its employees. The restaurant required entry-level kitchen staff known in the industry as “stages” to work one month as a free try-out period before they were considered for paid employment. Once on the payroll, the kitchen workers were paid daily rates from $50 per day for up to 14 hours per day with no consideration of weekly overtime premium.

Willows Inn reached a settlement with the department in which the company agreed to pay $74,812 in unpaid overtime to 19 kitchen workers and an equal amount in damages, totaling $149,624 for the employees. The company also canceled its “stage program” and agreed to comply with federal wage laws in the future.
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