USCIS Releases Videos to Help Employers and Employees With Form I-9

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

USCIS just released three short video vignettes for employees and employers that demonstrate how to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. Watch the new Form I-9 videos and learn how to complete Sections 1, 2, and 3. The three vignettes address each data field, deadlines, reverification rules and other important information.  Each vignette walks the viewer through the key steps in four minutes or less.

Here’s a synopsis of each vignette:

Section 1 of Form I-9:

•             Must be completed by the employee

•             Explains each data field

•             Highlights new phone number and email address optional fields

•             Shows you how to fill in new foreign passport and country of issuance data fields

•             Employers may want to make this video available to new employees

Section 2 of Form I-9:

•             Must be completed by the employer for each person hired

•             Illustrates important deadlines and instructions

•             Explains employers’ responsibilities

•             Includes important reminders

Section 3 of Form I-9:

•             Completed by the employer for reverification and rehiring

•             Displays an on-screen checklist for hiring managers

•             Explains which employees have to be re-verified

•             Shows examples of documents not to re-verify

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