Farms, which operates dairy and egg production facilities in Oregon and
Washington, will pay $260,000 and provide remedial relief to settle a
federal sexual harassment and retaliation suit.
The EEOC's
lawsuit charged that a male supervisor repeatedly grabbed, sought to
forcibly undress and propositioned Wilcox Farms employee Diana
Dominguez at its Aurora, Ore., facility. According to the federal
agency's investigation, the harassment continued over many months
despite Dominguez's complaints to management, to the point where she
began to fear for her physical safety. The EEOC found that Wilcox
retaliated against Dominguez for reporting the harassment by isolating
her from co-workers, forcing her to continue to work with the harasser
and pressuring her to resign. Dominguez ultimately was forced to quit
out of fear for her safety.
Sexual harassment and retaliation
violate Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. After an investigation
conducted by EEOC investigator Annalie Greer and after first attempting
to reach a voluntary settlement, the EEOC filed suit on October 9, 2008
(EEOC v. Wilcox Farms, Inc., Wilcox Dairy Farms, LLC and Wilcox Farm
Services, LLC, No. 08-CV-1141-MO) in U.S. District Court for the
District of Oregon. Represented by the Oregon Law Center and Legal Aid
Services of Oregon, Dominguez intervened in the EEOC lawsuit to add
claims under state law.
Under the terms of the consent decree
settling the suit, Wilcox Farms denied any wrongdoing but will pay
Dominguez $260,000. The company also agreed to adopt and to distribute
to all employees a sexual harassment policy written in both English and
Spanish; make its complaint procedures more convenient for employees to
report harassment and retaliation; conduct sexual harassment training
in English and Spanish for all managers, supervisors and employees; and
to provide various reports to the EEOC over a three-year period.
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