A federal judge has entered final judgment in a sexual
harassment lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) against Flipmeastack, Inc., an Illinois-based
restaurant company that manages a group of IHOP restaurants, the agency
announced today. The restaurants were owned by franchisee Salauddin
Janmohammed. Flipmeastack is owned by Salauddin’s wife, Victoria
The August 31 decision by U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman ordered
the company to create a new sexual harassment training program; post a
toll-free number in its restaurants for employees to make sexual
harassment and discrimination complaints; and report to the EEOC any
complaints of sexual harassment for the next four years.
The August 31 decision also affirmed the jury verdict in the EEOC’s
original case, rendered in November 2009, which awarded $105,000 to two
teen servers who, the jury found, were harassed by their manager at an
IHOP formerly operated by Flipmeastack in Racine, Wis., in 2005.
The decision and order in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Management Hospitality of Racine, Inc., et al.,
Case No. 06-C-0715 (E.D. Wis.), stated that Flipmeastack was the
employer of the two teens for purposes of federal sex discrimination
law, along with the company that held the franchise, Management
Hospitality of Racine, Inc. (MHR). Flipmeastack had argued it was not
responsible for the harassment. The EEOC argued otherwise, and the
court agreed, finding that Flipmeastack’s control over the
restaurant’s workers made it liable even though they were paid by MHR.
The court also found that Salauddin Janmohammed was responsible for
damages up to the amount of cash he received when he sold Management
Hospitality of Racine in 2006, $15,000.
“This case demonstrates that liability for employment discrimination
is not limited to just one part of a larger business, if that larger
business has control of the workplace,” said John Hendrickson, regional
attorney for the EEOC’s Chicago office, which oversees the Milwaukee
Area Office. “Discontinuing a business also may not bar liability
later. Businesses need to understand that employees are protected, and
employees need to understand that the EEOC will pursue that protection
in today’s world of complex business arrangements.”