Orlando Magazine Distributor to Pay $162,400 to Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Prologix Distribution Services (East), LLC, an Orlando, Fla.-based magazine distributor, will pay $162,400 and furnish other relief to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Prologix provides distribution services for publishers relating to merchandising, warehousing, and the delivery of magazines.

According to the EEOC’s complaint, several women who worked at Prologix’s Orlando, Fla., facility as magazine order fillers were subjected to harassment by a longtime supervisor. The harassment included the making of sexually explicit remarks and inappropriate touching and groping of the women.

In addition to monetary damages in the amount of $162,400, the three-year consent decree resolving the case (EEOC v. Prologix Distribution Services (East), LLC, Case No. 6:09-cv-01681-MSS-GJK), filed in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division, includes injunctive relief enjoining the company from engaging in further sexual harassment; requires the company to post a notice about the settlement; to conduct anti-discrimination training; and to report information about sex discrimination complaints it receives to the EEOC for monitoring.

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