Delray Beach, Fla.-based Cobra Pavers & Engineering, Inc.
and Cobra Construction, Inc., which have two locations located in south
Florida, will pay $125,000 and provide other relief to settle a sexual
harassment lawsuit brought by the EEOC.
According to EEOC's lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of Florida, Cobra subjected female office employees to
a sexually hostile work environment which included telling stories of
sexual exploits, derogatory remarks about females, inappropriate sexual
comments and engaging in unwelcome touching of a sexual nature by
Cobra's managerial agents. (EEOC v. Cobra Pavers & Engineering, Inc. and Cobra Construction, Inc.
Civil Action No.: 09-cv-81239). Such alleged conduct violates Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. The EEOC attempted to
reach a voluntary settlement with the company through its conciliation
process before filing suit.
Under the terms of the three-year consent decree resolving the
lawsuit, Cobra agreed to revise its sexual harassment policy; provide
training to its employees and management staff at the Delray Beach
location; report biannually any new complaints of discrimination and
subsequent investigations; and post a notice regarding the settlement.