The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) held a public meeting to discuss implementation of the Commission's fiscal year 2012-2016 Strategic Plan. The Commission approved the Strategic Plan in a 4-1 vote in February 2012.
As stated in the Strategic Plan, the mission of the EEOC is to stop and remedy unlawful employment discrimination so that the nation can achieve our ultimate vision of justice and equality in the workplace. The plan serves as a framework for the Commission in achieving this mission by focusing on three objectives: strategic law enforcement, education and outreach, and efficiently serving the public. The three strategic objectives each have a number of performance measures detailing outcomes to be achieved during the four-year period the plan is in effect. The performance measures are designed to assess the Commission's progress in carrying out its mission in a time of static or declining resources and a growing need for its services.
The Agency's Performance Improvement Officer (PIO), Claudia Withers, answered questions about Performance Plan 1, addressing the Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP, and each of the performance measures. Withers reiterated the agency's commitment to mission-critical thinking, transparent governance, interagency collaboration and public participation.
Withers and Deputy PIO Deidre Flippen discussed the process of Strategic Plan implementation, and highlighted the fact that, of the 14 measures in the plan, the agency has met or exceeded the fiscal year 2012 expectations for eight, and partially met the targets in two of the measures. The four remaining measures had no specific targets for fiscal year 2012. The Quality Control Plan is also on track for development this fiscal year. Details of these achievements are published in the agency's 2012 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR, Withers said work on achieving further SEP plans and recommendations, including ones on the development of sub-regulatory policy guidance; data and research; outreach and education; and national standard operating procedures, is already or soon will be underway. Flippen also described the implementation milestones achieved by the agency since approval of the Strategic Plan.
The Commission will hold open the Feb. 20 Commission meeting record for 15 days, and invites the audience members, as well as other members of the public, to submit written comments on any issues or matters discussed at the meeting. Public comments may be mailed to Commission Meeting, EEOC Executive Officer, 131 M Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20507, or emailed to:.