EEOC Releases Detailed Breakdown of Workplace Discrimination Received by Agency in FY2016

Thursday, January 19, 2017
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released detailed breakdowns for the 91,503 charges of workplace discrimination the agency received in fiscal year 2016. This is the second year in a row that the number of charges filed with EEOC has increased.

Overall, EEOC resolved 97,443 charges in fiscal year 2016 and secured more than $482 million for victims of discrimination in private sector and state and local government workplaces through volun­tary resolutions and litigation. The agency reduced the workload of pending charges by 3.8 percent to 73,508 -- the lowest pending charge workload in three years. The agency responded to over 585,000 calls to its toll-free number and more than 160,000 inquiries in field offices, reflecting the significant public demand for EEOC's services. EEOC has previously released fiscal year 2016 highlights. 

This is the first year that EEOC has included detailed information about LGBT charges in its year-end summary.  EEOC resolved 1,650 charges and recovered $4.4 million for LGBT individuals who filed sex discrimination charges with EEOC in fiscal year 2016. Additionally, the data show a steady increase in the four years the agency has been collecting LGBT charge data. From fiscal year 2013 through fiscal year 2016, nearly 4,000 charges were filed with EEOC by LGBT individuals alleging sex discrimination, and EEOC recovered $10.8 million for these individuals.

The following are the charge numbers breakdowns by bases alleged, in descending order:

Retaliation: 42,018 (45.9 percent of all charges filed)
Race: 32,309 (35.3 percent)
Disability: 28,073 (30.7 percent)
Sex: 26,934 (29.4 percent)
Age: 20,857 (22.8 percent)
National Origin: 9,840 (10.8 percent)
Religion: 3,825 (4.2 percent)
Color: 3,102 (3.4 percent)
Equal Pay Act: 1,075 (1.2 percent)
Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act: 238 (.3 percent)
*These percentages add up to more than 100 because some charges allege multiple bases.

EEOC legal staff resolved 139 lawsuits and filed 86 lawsuits alleging discrimination in fiscal year 2016. The lawsuits filed by EEOC included 55 individual suits and 31 suits involving multiple victims or discrimin­atory policies. At the end of the fiscal year, EEOC had 168 cases on its active docket, of which 48 (28.6 per­cent) involve challenges to systemic discrimination and an additional 32 (19 percent) are multiple-victim cases. EEOC achieved a successful outcome in 90.6 percent of all suit resolutions.
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