President Trump Nominates New NLRB General Counsel; Majority of NLRB Has Now Changed

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

On September 15, 2017, President Trump nominated Peter Robb to be the general counsel at the NLRB.  The general counsel controls which cases are given to the full Board for review. The general counsel also helps set Board policy by arguing cases before the Board and issuing general counsel memoranda instructing the regional offices and their lawyers on the handling of cases and issues the general counsel chooses to pursue.  Mr. Robb has represented management in labor matters in the private sector for many years and this appointment will likely bring significant changes to the decisions of the NLRB.

In addition, the Senate confirmed the appointment of William Emanuel to the NLRB on September 25, 2017, giving the NLRB its first Republican majority since 2007. This NLRB majority is likely to change the direction the NLRB took during the Obama Administration.

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