NLRB General Counsel Issues Memo Asking for Review of Many Obama Board Decisions

Thursday, December 14, 2017

In a five-page Memorandum, new National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Peter B. Robb has directed NLRB Regional Offices to submit to his Division of Advice for review cases involving “significant legal issues.” The Board’s chief prosecutor’s guidance describes “significant legal issues” to include many Obama Board decisions that both overruled precedent and “involved one or more dissents.”  The “Mandatory Submissions to Advice” (Memorandum GC 18-02), dated December 1, 2017, can be read in detail here:

The memo indicates that he may want to review decisions concerning joint employer status, concerted activity, handbook rules, use of email systems, and many others.  Also, Memos of the previous General Counsel were rescinded in the memo.  Please read the memo for more detail.

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