Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This sample form is provided as a general guideline for your review only and with the understanding that neither the publisher nor the writers are providing legal advice or other professional service. The law changes regularly and varies from state to state, and you should not rely on or use this or any form without consultation with a competent attorney in your state.


________________ (insert employee's name) agrees that during the term of his/her employment and for one year thereafter, any information, data, figures, projections, statistics, customer lists, tax records, personnel histories, company strategic plans, promotions, accounting procedures, and business estimates shall be considered and preserved as confidential, private, privileged records of the employer and will not be divulged to any other individual or entity without prior express written authorization and approval of the President of ________________ (insert company name). The parties recognize that the employer will incur irreparable harm and will be entitled to injunctive relief by a court of competent jurisdiction should the employee breach or threaten to breach this confidentiality provision. The parties hereby stipulate that there exists no adequate remedy at law should this provision be breached. In addition, the parties recognize that confidentiality of the aforesaid information dramatically affects the successful business of _______________(insert company name) and its goodwill and that breach of the terms of this section constitutes a material breach of the employment agreement and will be grounds for termination for cause.
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