Alabama Drug Testing Law - 25-5-334. Notice of Testing and Written Policy Statement on Employee Substance Abuse

Thursday, December 4, 2008
25-5-334 - Notice of testing; written policy statement.

(a) One time only, prior to testing, all employees and job applicants for employment shall be given a notice of testing. In addition, all employees shall be given a written policy statement from the employer which contains all of the following:

(1) A general statement of the employer's policy on employee substance abuse which shall identify:

a. The types of testing an employee or job applicant may be required to submit to, including reasonable suspicion or other basis used to determine when the testing will be required.
b. The actions the employer may take against an employee or job applicant on the basis of a positive confirmed test result.

(2) A statement advising an employee or job applicant of the existence of this article.

(3) A general statement concerning confidentiality.

(4) The consequences of refusing to submit to a drug test.

(5) A statement advising an employee of the Employee Assistance Program, if the employer offers the program, or advising the employee of the employer's resource file of assistance programs and other persons, entities, or organizations designed to assist employees with personal or behavioral problems.

(6) A statement that an employee or job applicant who receives a positive confirmed test result may contest or explain the result to the employer within five working days after written notification of the positive test result.

(7) A statement informing an employee of the provisions of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act, if applicable to the employer.

(b) An employer not having a substance abuse testing program in effect on July 1, 1996, shall ensure that at least 60 days elapse between a general one-time notice to all employees that a substance abuse testing program is being implemented and the beginning of the actual testing. An employer having a substance abuse testing program in place prior to July 1, 1996, shall not be required to provide a 60-day notice period.

(c) An employer shall include notice of substance abuse testing on vacancy announcements for those positions for which testing is required. A notice of the employer's substance abuse testing policy shall also be posted in an appropriate and conspicuous location on the employer's premises, and copies of the policy shall be made available for inspection by the employees or job applicants of the employer during regular business hours in the employer's personnel office or other suitable locations. All testing conducted by an employer shall be in conformity with the standards and procedures established in this article and all applicable rules adopted by the state Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to this article. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an employer shall not have a legal duty under this article to request an employee or job applicant to undergo testing.

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