Alabama Drug Testing Law - 25-4-78. Disqualification from Unemployment Benefits: Termination of Employment Based on Employee's Refusal to Submit to Blood or Urine Test or For Use of Illegal Drugs

Thursday, December 4, 2008

25-4-78 - Disqualification from unemployment benefits: Termination of employment based on employee's refusal to submit to blood or urine test or for use of illegal drugs. An individual shall be disqualified for total or partial unemployment:


a. If he was discharged or removed from his work for a dishonest or criminal act committed in connection with his work or for sabotage or an act endangering the safety of others or for the use of illegal drugs after previous warning or for the refusal to submit to or cooperate with a blood or urine test after previous warning. Disqualification under this paragraph may be applied to separations prior to separation from the most recent bona fide work only if the employer has filed a notice with the director alleging that the separation was under conditions described in this paragraph in such manner and within such time as the director may prescribe.

(i) A confirmed positive drug test that is conducted and evaluated according to standards set forth for the conduct and evaluation of such tests by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 49 C.F.R. Part 40 or standards shown by the employer to be otherwise reliable shall be a conclusive presumption of impairment by illegal drugs. No unemployment compensation benefits shall be allowed to an employee having a confirmed positive drug test if the employee had been warned that such a positive test could result in dismissal pursuant to a reasonable drug policy. A drug policy shall be deemed reasonable if the employer shows that all employees of the employer regardless of position or classification, are subject to testing under the policy, and in those instances in which the employer offers as the basis for disqualification from unemployment compensation benefits the results obtained pursuant to additional testing imposed on some but not all classifications, if the employer can also offer some rational basis for conducting such additional testing. Further, no unemployment compensation benefits shall be allowed if the employee refuses to submit to or cooperate with a blood or urine test as set forth above, or if the employee knowingly alters or adulterates the blood or urine specimen.

(ii) For purposes of paragraph a. and item (i) of paragraph a. of this subdivision, "warning" shall mean that the employee has been advised in writing of the provisions of the employer's drug policy and that either testing positive pursuant to the standards referenced above or the refusal to submit to or cooperate with a blood or urine test as set out in the above referenced standards could result in termination of employment. This written notification as herein described shall constitute a "warning" as used in paragraph a. and item (i) of paragraph a. of this subdivision.

(iii) To the extent that the issue is a positive drug test or the refusal to submit to or cooperate with a blood or urine test, or if the employee knowingly alters or adulterates the blood or urine sample, as distinguished from some other aspect of the employer's drug policy, this disqualification under paragraph a. and item (i) of paragraph a. shall be the only disqualification to apply, in connection with an individual's separation from employment. Other non-separation disqualifications may apply.

When an individual is disqualified under this paragraph:

1. He shall not be entitled to benefits for the week in which the disqualifying event occurs or for any week thereafter until he has reentered insured employment or employment of the nature described in subdivisions (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10) or (18) of subsection (b) of Section 25-4-10, has earned wages equal at least to 10 times his weekly benefit amount and has been separated from such employment for a nondisqualifying reason.

2. He shall not thereafter be entitled to any benefits under this chapter on account of wages paid to him for the period of employment by the employer by whom he was employed when the disqualifying event occurred.

3. For the purposes of the experience rating provisions of Section 25-4-54:

(i) No portion of any benefits based upon wages paid to the individual for the period of employment by the employer by whom he was employed when the disqualifying event occurred shall be charged to the employer's experience rating account.

(ii) In the case of a separation prior to the separation from the most recent bona fide work, if the only reason disqualification under this paragraph a. was not assessed was the failure of the employer to properly file a timely separation report with the director and the employer files such a report within 15 days after the mailing of a notice of payment, then no portion of any benefits paid based upon the wages paid for the period of employment ending in such prior separation shall be charged to the employer's experience rating account.

b. If he was discharged from his most recent bona fide work for actual or threatened misconduct committed in connection with his work (other than acts mentioned in paragraph a. of this subdivision (3)) repeated after previous warning to the individual. When an individual is disqualified under this paragraph, or exempt from disqualification for a separation under such conditions prior to his most recent bona fide work, the effect shall be the same as provided in paragraph b. of subdivision (2) of this section for disqualification or exemption from disqualification respectively.

c. If he was discharged from his most recent bona fide work for misconduct connected with his work [other than acts mentioned in paragraphs a. and b. of this subdivision (3)]:

1. He shall be disqualified from receipt of benefits for the week in which he was discharged and for not less than the three nor more than the seven next following weeks, as determined by the director in each case according to the seriousness of the conduct.

2. The total amount of benefits to which he may otherwise be entitled as determined in accordance with Sections 25-4-74 and 25-4-75 shall be reduced by an amount equal to the product of the number of weeks for which he shall be disqualified multiplied by his weekly benefit amount.

3. Only one-half of the benefits paid to him based upon wages for that period of employment immediately preceding the separation to which the disqualification applies shall be charged to the employer for the purposes of the experience rating provisions of Section 25-4-54. If the individual has been separated from employment, other than his most recent bona fide work, under conditions which would have been disqualifying under paragraph c. of this subdivision (3), had the separation been from his most recent bona fide work and the employer answers a notice of payment within 15 days after it is mailed to him detailing the facts in connection with the separation, then only one-half of the benefits paid to him for that period of employment immediately preceding the separation shall be charged to the employer for the purposes of the experience rating provisions of Section 25-4-54.

d. If he has been suspended as a disciplinary measure connected with his work, or for misconduct connected with his work, he shall be disqualified from benefits for the week or weeks (not to exceed four weeks) in which, or for which, he is so suspended and the total amount of benefits to which he may otherwise be entitled shall be reduced in the same manner and to the same extent as provided in subparagraph 2 of paragraph c. of this subdivision (3).

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