USCIS Seeking Volunteers to Review Enhanced I-9 Form

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has been developing a new version of the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, that contains enhancements designed to assist employers in complying with the law and reducing errors employers and employees commonly make when completing Form I-9.
Before the proposed enhancement to the form.   USCIS invites public comment on the proposal as mandated under the Paperwork Reduction Act.  USCIS is seeking nine employers from the public to volunteer to assist in a study to determine how much time it takes employers to complete an enhanced version of Form I-9 that USCIS is developing. 
The study will be administered at USCIS offices in Washington, D.C., on September 3, 2013; September 5, 2013; or September 6, 2013 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.  Administration of the study will be no more than 1.5 hours. USCIS will not provide any compensation to reimburse participants for any expenses, including time or travel.
All interested employers, large and small, are invited to submit a request to volunteer to participate in the study. USCIS will randomly select four large employers and five small employers from all submissions received by the deadline of August 15, 2013. Multiple submissions by the same employer will not be included in the random selection process.
USCIS will contact the Point of Contact provided on the volunteer request submission of selected employers by August 23, 2013 to schedule an appointment to participate in the study. The Point of Contact provided by the employer must be an individual who will represent the employer at the study. At the study, the individual will be requested to play the role of an employer completing Section 2 and/or Section 3 of the Form I-9.
Employers interested in participating in the study may submit a request to volunteer by e-mailing the following information to [email protected] by August 15, 2013 with “Enhanced Form I-9 Study” in the subject line:
Name of Company:
Address of Company:
Is your company/entity considered “small” under SBA guidelines?           (Yes)      (No)
Point of Contact:
Telephone Number of Point of Contact:
E-mail Address of Point of Contact:
Availability:         (September 3)                        (September 5)                      (September 6)
Ideal Time Availability:                   (Morning)                           (Afternoon)
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