OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Deadline Coming Up on February 1st

Thursday, January 30, 2014
February 1st of each year is an important Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) date for U.S. employers who have more than ten (10) employees and operate in industries for which OSHA requires a post the Injury and Illness information from the previous year.  Employers need to post the 300A summary of recordable injuries on February 1st and keep it posted until April 30th.  

In order to post the information, the employer should:

1)  Review their OSHA 300 Log to ensure that entries are complete and accurate;
2)  Correct any problems with the Log;
3)  Use the data from the Log to develop the 300A Summary Form and certify the accuracy of both the 300 and 300A forms.
4)  An employer must update and maintain the records for five years plus the current year and to provide them for inspection by OSHA investigators. 
5)  Post the summery in an unobscured location and make sure that it is not altered or defaced.

Once the Log has been checked and the Annual Summary Form has been created, the Log and the Summary Form need to be certified by a "company executive."  A company executive includes the following: 1) an owner of the company; 2) an officer of the corporation; 3) the highest-ranking company official working at the establishment; or 4) the immediate supervisor of the highest-ranking company official working at the establishment. This official must certify that he or she has reviewed the related records and reasonably believes, based on knowledge of the process underlying the development of the data, that the posted summary is accurate and complete.

The annual summary requires that employers include a calculation o the annual average number of employees and the total hours worked by the employees.  The Log must be created even when there are no recordable injuries or illnesses.
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