Federal Law > Handbooks - Policies > Sick Leave Policy (Sample 2)

Sick Leave Policy (Sample 2)

Employer provides paid sick leave to regular full-time employees.
  • After the first 30 days of employment, regular full-time employees will accrue sick leave on the first pay period of each month at the rate of 12 hours per month.
  • Total accumulation cannot exceed 250 hours.
  • You may take sick leave in 1/2-hour increments for medical or dental appointments during working hours.
  • If you are going to be absent, you must notify your immediate supervisor prior to your regularly scheduled start time. Supervisors may require a doctor’s excuse, which must  state illness type or injury and the length of time under doctor’s care.
  • If you are sick on a holiday or scheduled vacation, that time will not count towards sick leave time.
  • Up to 40 hours per calendar year can be used to care for the health or medical needs of immediate family. In the event of a catastrophic illness or injury, where the immediate family member’s life is at risk, additional use of sick leave may be granted by the Office Manager.
Note:  Certain states may require that accrued paid leave be paid to employee upon termination of employment.  If you do not want to pay it upon termination, and the law of your state allows it, you should specify that it is not paid upon termination of employment.
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