March, 2011
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$451,000 Jury Verdict Awarded for Male-on-Male Sexual Harassment
$1,011,413 to be Paid by Levi Strauss in Overtime and Back Wages
International Profit Associates to Pay $8 Million for Sexual Harassment of Female Employees
EEOC Announces Final Regulations for the ADA Amendment Act
$85,000 Award in Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Case, Training Ordered
Company Cited for $129,000 for Exposing Workers to Lead Hazards
Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Launch E-Verify Self Check
Company to Pay Employee Relief to Settle Religious Discrimination Suit, Training Ordered
DOL Obtains $1.25 Million Judgment to Repay 401(k) Plan
Verdict Against Autozone Affirmed in Sex Harassment Case
$465,600 Settlement Against Fire District for Alleged Age Bias
$340,000 Settlement Against Health Care System in ADA Case
$792,000 in Back Wages Recovered from New York Contractor
Another Large FLSA Settlement: $754,578
Settlement in Pregnancy Bias Case; Training Ordered
Nursing Home Fined for Failure to Respond to EEOC Subpoena
$219,000 in Back Wages and Damages for Employees Who Were Treated as Independent Contractors
Failure to Pay Wages May Lead to Debarment of Federal Contractor
$1.5 Million Award in Sex Harassment and Retaliation Case
$277,000 in Fines Against Movie Theaters for Child Labor Violations
$700,000 Settlement in Discrimination Case Against InterCall
OSHA Annual Summary of Work-Related Injuries Must Be Posted Through April 30
$780,000 in Back Wages and Penalties in FLSA Case from Long Island Pizzeria